Intuitive technology for the next generation of media production
On Set Data Acquisition Tools • Motion Capture Pipeline • Application and Hardware Development • Realtime Data Streaming
Meet the Team
Founder, CEO
Software Developer | Mocap Technician
Production Manager | Assistant Director
Beta Testers Wanted!
Take control of your Motion Capture and Virtual Production shoots.
Remote control Vicon, Natural Point, KiPro and other devices
Embedded Python for customization and extensions
Virtual Camera System
Wireless Joysticks attached to a low latency wireless display, tracked with any motion capture system.
Unreal and MotionBuilder plugins.
Source code and custom builds available.
Global Optimization Solver plugin for Autodesk Maya
Attach point cloud motion capture data to a skeleton rig using weighted constraints.
Advanced parameters such as joint stiffness, length degree of freedom, orientation constraints.
Maintains the subtle details in the performance providing high fidelity results.
Open 3d Stream
Open source API for streaming realtime motion capture and virtual production data.